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Dunbar Town

East Lothian Coast

Dunbar Town

East Lothian Coast 

Dunbar is one of six towns in East Lothian and was part of Northumbria until 1018. Dunbar became a royal burgh in 1369. It has three harbours and is a fishing village with a long history going back to circa 850 AD. The Town grew around the Castle which was of strategic importance over the centuries. The Castle was destroyed in 1568 as many castles and important buildings were by the English led by Cromwell. The Town has a famous son who became the founder of the national parks in America and the John Muir Way is a route from Dunbar to Helensburgh of circa 134 miles which was the route taken by John Muir on his way to the ship that would take him to the new world.  

Dunbar High Street Dunbar East Lothian

Dunbar Castle 


East Lothian Coast

Dunbar Castle, the First timber fort was occupied by the Votanidi tribe, a tribe that controlled the east of Scotland and England between the River Forth and Humber during the roman invasions. Then came Kenneth MacAlpin King of Pics and First King of Scots who owned the castle in 849 AD. Circa 1070 it was in the hands of the Earl of Cumbria. It was not until 1018 that Dunbar was in Scotland as the border was moved to the present position at that time.

Dunbar Castle Dunbar East Lothian.JPG

By circa 1200 it had become a substantial fortification and when King John attempted to take the castle in 1214 but failed.

The castle was lost to the English army of Edward I in 1296. The next 200 plus years saw the castle change hands between the Scots and English on several occasions and in this time it was almost destroyed.  In 1567 following the Battle of Carberry Hill, the castle was destroyed by an Act of Parliament, and has been a ruin ever since.

Dunbar Castle from Sea East Lothian

Dunbar Battery


East Lothian Coast

The battery was built to protect the entrance of the forth and Dunbar against attack from ships. Dunbar had been attacked on two occasions during the American War of Independence 1779 and 1781 so the battery was built. In 1914 became a hospital for wounded soldiers of the 1st World War. The roof was blown off in a storm in 1936 and demolished in 1937. Iit was renovated in 2016-17 and reopened in 2017.

Battery from sea rocks Dunbar East Lothian
Dunbar Harbour Battery East Lothian

The Timeline Path

Dunbar Battery


East Lothian Coast

1781 The Battery is built to protect Dunbar against American Raiders.  1815 The military outpost is abandoned at the end of the wars with France. 1822 Gunfire from the Battery welcomes King George IV to Scotland. 1874 Am isolation hospital for infectious diseases is built within the walls. 1927 the hospital is converted into emergency housing.

1937 The hospital building is demolished after a storm and fire. 2017 the Battery reopens as a place for everyone to enjoy. The Door to Dunbar. For centuries the sea was the main way in and out of Dunbar.

Entrance to Dunbar Battery Dunbar East Lothian
Steps inside the Harbour Battery Dunbar East Lothian
Door to Dunbar Dunbar Harbour Battery East Lothian
Dunbar Harbour Battery For centuries the sea was the main way in and out of Dunbar
1781 The Battery is built to protect Dunbar against American Raiders.
1815 History of Dunbar Harbour Battery East Lothian
1822 Timeline Dunbar Harbour Battery East Lothian
1874 An isolation hospital for infectious diseases is built within the walls.
1927 Timeline Dunbar Harbour Battery East Lothian
1937 Timeline Dunbar Harbour Battery East Lothian
2017 Timeline Dunbar Harbour Battery East Lothian Open to Public

Inside of the Battery
Sea Cubes by Donald Urquhart

Cubes Sculpture Dunbar Battery Harbour East Lothian
Inside the Battery Cubes Sculpture Dunbar Battery Harbour East Lothian

Rock Formations 
View of the “Long Steeple” left Next “Round Steeple”
and the small group of three are “The Yetts” from the Battery.

View of the “Long Steeple” left Next “Round Steeple” and the small group of three are “The Yetts” from the Battery.

Robert Wilson  

Inventor of the Spiral Propeller 1827


East Lothian Coast

Robert Wilson was born in September 1803. As a boy he developed  a method to propel boats through water at speed. His idea came from windmill blades, at nine years old he had propelled a boat with rotary skulls.

By the age of 24 he had boats being propelled on the River Forth. The Earl of Lauderdale seeing what he had achieved took his invention to the Admiralty, who showed no interest.

Robert Wilson was never recognised in his lifetime for his invention.

Pettit Smith and Ericsson are often credited but everyone knows the truth. 

Robert Wilson Spiral Propeller Dunbar Ea

John Muir Way Dunbar East Lothian

Der John-Muir-Weg  ist ein Pfad, der sich von Küste zu Küste durch Schottland erstreckt. Die Route folgt seinen Schritten von Dunbar an der Ostküste bis Helensburgh an der Westküste. Wo er seine Reise ins neue Land (Amerika) antrat. Folgen Sie seiner Route von Edinburgh nach Dunbar am Ufer des Firth of Forth (  Edinburgh nach Prestonpans 16 km (10 Meilen) Prestonpans nach North Berwick 25 km (16 Meilen) North Berwick nach Dunbar 23 km (15 Meilen).

John Muir Statue High Street Dunbar East Lothian

John Muir war  geboren am 21  April 1838 in Dunbar, East Lothian, Schottland und starb am 24. Dezember 1914 im Alter von  76  in  Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA  wurde der Vater der amerikanischen Nationalparks und Champion des Weltnaturschutzes und war für immer Schotte. John Muir war  Naturforscher, Umweltphilosoph und Autor. John Muir wanderte 1849 im Alter von 11 Jahren mit seiner Mutter und seinem Vater sowie seinen Brüdern und Schwestern aus. Er wurde zu einer nationalen Ikone   und wurde genannt  der "Schutzpatron der amerikanischen Wildnis".

John Muir Statue High Street Dunbar East

John Muir Plaque Dunbar East Lothian

Die Gedenktafel an der Statue von John Muir als Junge, die in der Dunbar High Street steht, ist beschriftet; John Muir (1838-1914)

„In meiner Heimatstadt Dunbar liebte ich es, über die Felder zu wandern, die Vögel singen zu hören und am Meer entlang zu schauen und die Muscheln und Algen, Aale und Krabben in den Teichen zwischen den Felsen bei Ebbe zu bestaunen; und am besten zu sehen, wie die Wellen in schrecklichen Stürmen auf den schwarzen Landzungen und den zerklüfteten Ruinen des Old Dunbar Castle donnerten, als Meer und Himmel, Wellen und Wolken sich zu einem Ganzen vermischten.

John Muir Plaque Dunbar East Lothian

John Muir Braunbär 

Das wurde zum Gedenken an John Muir errichtet, der in Dunbar geboren wurde. Andy Scott, der Bildhauer, der mit den weltberühmten Kelpies Sculptures bekannt wurde, hat ein weiteres Meisterwerk geschaffen. Es steht  Verlassen Sie die A1 und nehmen Sie am Spott-Kreisverkehr die Ausfahrt nach Asda  Dunbar und die erste Öffnung links am Gartencenter sind 200 Meter entlang eines Pfades. Der Bär, den ich Dyn genannt habe, nach einer alten Schreibweise von Dunbar (Dynbaer) Dyn  griechisch  bedeutet Macht oder  Macht. Der 5 Meter hohe Bär ist eine kraftvolle Skulptur für einen großen Mann John Muir.

John Muir Brown Bear (Dyn) Sculpture Andy Scott Dunbar East Lothian

Eine Hommage an John Muir Dunbar East Lothian.

Auf der Plakette am Sockel des riesigen Braunbären steht; Diese Gedenktafel wurde von Frau Brenda McNeil enthüllt, um an die Fertigstellung dieser Braunbärenskulptur zu erinnern, die dem in Dunbar geborenen Naturforscher John Muir (1838-1914) Tribut zollt, der eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Einrichtung von Nationalparks in den USA und auf der ganzen Welt spielte . Im Auftrag von Hallhill Developments Ltd Bildhauer: Andy Scott 19.  November 2019

Bear Plaque.JPG

John Muir Geburtshaus-Museum.

  John Muir wurde 1838 in Dunbar East Lothian geboren und verbrachte den größten Teil seiner Kindheit damit, die Küste von East Lothian zu erkunden, bevor die Familie Muir 1849 in die USA (Wisconsin) auswanderte von Mexiko. 1894 veröffentlichte er sein erstes Buch "The Mountains of California". In seinem Leben bereiste er jeden Kontinent der Erde und kehrte mehrmals nach Schottland zurück. Er war der Gründer der Nationalparks in den USA und starb im Alter von 76 Jahren, immer in Erinnerung an seine Routen bis zum Schluss ein echter Schotte.

John Muir Birthplace and Museum Dunbar East Lothian
John Muir birth House plaque Dunbar East Lothian
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