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St Andrews Attractions 

 Golf Place, has a junction with Pilmour Place and North Street and is the main road to
The links and Old Course​


​St Andrews Attractions



Royal and Ancient Golf Club was founded in 1754. The Old Course was made up of 12 holes playing 10 hole twice giving a 22 hole course. In 1764, the R&A decided holes were too short and converted the first four holes into two holes. Which created the now standard 18-hole round of golf. 


​St Andrews Attractions

Tom Morris Plaque 

and Clock​

The Plaque of Tom Morris can be seen under the clock face of  The Royal and Ancient Golf Club. 

R & A Club House St Andrews Links_edited_edited.jpg


​St Andrews Attractions

Royal & Ancient Golf Club

​18th Green Old Course

St Andrews Scotland
The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews

was founded on 14 May 1754.

Royal and Ancient Club House St Andrews


​St Andrews Attractions

St Andrews Links Plaque

St Andrews Links Plaque


St Andrews Attractions

Old Pavilion


The Old Pavilion opened in 2014

including the Caddie Pavilion

and New Public Shelter.

Located on the far side of the 18th green

of the old Course St Andrews

Golf Place

Bruce Embankment 

British Golf Museum

St Andrews Scotland


This museum highlights the world of golf its origins its players and the history of a game played worldwide. The game played in the 1300’s in Edinburgh and played to rules for the first time in 1744.

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British Golf Museum.jpg

Allan Robertson

The Birth of the Champion Golfer

born 11th Sept 1815 Died 1ST Sept 1859.

Allan Robertson born in St Andrews next to the Old Course Sept 1815. His father and Grandfather were both Old Course caddies, also famous golf ball makers. Allan grew up on the old course and in the work shop with his father.

Allan quickly took to the game and is said never to have been beaten in a singles match. Allan was one of the World’s

First, Professional golfers.  He played many matches for money, against the well-known golfers of the new era

Tom Morris (First Open Champion 1860) the year after Allan died. Willie Dunn Snr professional golfer of Musselburgh.

Allan Robertson was the first golfer to score under 80 (79) on the Old Course and is said to be the first to use a lofted iron club for approach shots. He also redesigned the Old Course installing the first double greens.

Allan is buried in St Andrews Cathedral cemetery.

Fountain First Baron Playfair of St Andrews.jpg

St Andrews Attractions

Baron Playfair Fountain

Lyon Playfair (1818–1898),

was born at Chunar, Bengal province, on the 21st of May 1818 - Died 1898
In 1868 he was elected to represent the

universities of Edinburgh and St Andrews in parliament, and retained his seat till 1885,

from that date until 1892 he sat as member for Leeds.

In 1873 he was made postmaster-general, and in the following year, after the dissolution of parliament, was applied to by the incoming Tory government to preside over a commission to inquire into the working of the civil service. Its report established a completely new system, which has ever since been officially known as the “Playfair scheme.”

The return of Mr Gladstone to power in 1880 afforded opportunity for Playfair to resume his interrupted parliamentary career, and from that time until 1883 he acted as chairman of committees during a period when the obstructive tactics of the Irish party were at their height. On his retirement from the post he was made K.C.B. in 1892 and was created

Baron Playfair of St Andrews, and a little later was appointed lord-in-waiting to the queen.​

Pilmour Links St Andrews

​Pilmour Links

St Andrews Attractions

​Tom and Tommy Morris‘s House


Tom Morris lived here from 1866

till his death in 1908.

4 times Open Champion and

Keeper of the greens in St Andrews

from 1864 till 1903.

Tommy his son won the Open Championship

4 times and lived here from 1866 – 1874

and returned in 1875 and died in this house.

​Pilmour Links

St Andrews Attractions

Auchterlonie Plaque


Willie Auchterlonie born in St Andrews 1872. A golf club maker and a professional golfer.

He won the 33rd Open Championship at Prestwick aged 21. With clubs he made himself.

He became honorary professional to the R & A in 1935, and was first to be made an honorary

member of the Royal and Ancient Club.

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Tom and Tommy Morris Plaque.JPG


St Andrews Attractions  

 The Links runs parallel with

the 18th fairway of the Old Course


​Swilcan Bridge

​The most famous bridge in golf on the 18th fairway

of the Old Course at St Andrews. 
The Swilcan Bridge has been used to cross

the Swilcan Burn since 1835.
Previously called the Golfers Bridge

This was for several hundred years the

only way of crossing the burn. 

The Links St Andrews
Swilkin Bridge Old Course St Andrews_edi


St Andrews Attractions  

​New Golf Club, St Andrews​​

Tom Morris Plaque
The New Club was founded in 1902 as the only club at the time was for the members of the R & A who were the gentry.

This was a club started by local 8 businessmen.

Tom Morris was the first honorary member of the New Club.

He unfortunately had a fall in the club

which was fatal, on the 24th May 1908.​

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New Club and Tom Morris Plaque (2).jpg


St Andrews Attractions  

St Andrews Golf Club


The golf club was established by a number of local tradesmen who enjoyed a game of golf. 
In September 1843 The St Andrews Mechanics Golf Club opened.


St Andrews Club Links Place
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