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East Lothian Coast

A Small Town

A Large History

The town of Prestonpans was originally named Althamer after a sailor who became shipwrecked circa 1060 and decided to stay with his shipmates as they had no way of returning home.  It was the monks of Newbattle circa 1180 came and settled in the area and renamed it Priestatown. The name over the years changed due to the salt panning. Prestonpans was where one of the first post-reformation churches were built in Scotland circa 1600. Other things about Prestonpans are, the famous Battle of Prestonpans 1745 when Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Jacobite Army defeated the English which 7 months later ended the Stuart battle for the crown at Culloden.

The Battle of Prestonpans

Battle Story

 Prestonpans Battle Story is about how Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobite's defeated the English went as far as Derby before returning and then being defeated at Culloden. From victory to defeat  took seven months 21st September 1745 (Prestonpans) 16th April 1746 Culloden. The Story boards which can be seen at the top of the Pyramid the battle site viewing platform on the B1361 on the East side of Prestonpans top road. Climb the pyramid and read the full story. 

Prestonpans battle site Pyramid
Battle of Prestonpans Cairn

The Pyramid marks the area where the Battle of Prestonpans took place in 1745. Bonnie Prince Charlie led the Jacobite Army in a triumph over the English. There is a story board at the summit of the Pyramid with the story of the Jacobite uprising and the route to glory and defeat.

Battle flag Memorial Pyramid Battle of P
Battle of Prestonpans Top of Pyramid Eas
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