All About Edinburgh
Royal Mile Edinburgh
Castlehill, Lawnmarket
High Street, Canongate
Abbey Strand Horse Wynd
All About Edinburgh
Edinburgh Royal Mile
Edinburgh Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle are the most famous place in the world with over 2 million visitors a year.
The Royal Mile is the name for 6 streets that links Edinburgh Castle with the Palace Holyrood House.
Edinburgh Castle is where it all began.
The Six Parts to Royal Mile Edinburgh
From the Edinburgh Castle a short street Castlehill joins the Lawnmarket, which joins to the High Street which is the largest of the streets of about 500 m. with shops restaurants, cafes, attractions, museums, pubs and places to stay its like a town on its own as it was in the 16th century with over 40,000 residents.
Castlehill (Northside)
Royal Mile
Ramsay Lane
Ramsay Garden
Skinner's Close
Semple's Close
Jollie's Close
Castlehill (Southside)
Royal Mile
Castle wynd North
Cannonball House Close
Boswell's Court
Lawnmarket (Northside)
Royal Mile
Milne's Close
Milne's Court
Jame's Court
(west entry) (Mid Entry) (East Entry)
Lady Stair's Close
Makars' Court
Wardrop's Close
Lawnmarket (Southside)
Royal Mile
Upper Bow
Johnston's Close
Riddle's Close
Fisher's Close
Brodie's Close
Buchanan's Close
High Street 1
(Upper Southside)
Royal Mile
West Parliament Square Royal Mile
Parliament Square Royal Mile
Steil’s Close | Barrie’s Close
Old Fishmarket Close Royal Mile
Borthwick’s Close Royal Mile
Old Assembly Close Royal Mile
Covenant Close Royal Mile
Burnet’s Close Royal Mile
Bell’s Wynd Royal Mile
New Assembly Close Royal Mile
Stevenlaw’s Close Royal Mile
Blair Street Royal Mile
Hunter Square Royal Mile
Marlin’s Wynd Royal Mile (Demolished)
High Street 3
(Lower Southside)
Royal Mile
Niddry Street
Dickson’s Close Royal Mile
Cant’s Close Royal Mile
Melrose Close Royal Mile
Blackfriars (Wynd) Street
Toddrick’s Wynd Royal Mile
South Gray’s Close Royal Mile
Hyndford’s Close Royal Mile
Fountain Close Royal Mile
Tweeddale Court Royal Mile
World’s End Close Royal Mile
High Street 2
(Upper Northside)
Royal Mile
Byer's Close Royal Mile
Advocate’s Close Royal Mile
Roxburgh Close Royal Mile
Warriston’s Close Royal Mile
Writer’s Court Royal Mile
Mary King’s Close Royal Mile
Allan’s Close Royal Mile
Craig’s Close Royal Mile
Anchor Close Royal Mile
Geddes Entry Royal Mile
North Foulis Close Royal Mile
Old Stamp Office Close Royal Mile
Lyon’s Close Royal Mile
Jackson’s Close Royal Mile
Fleshmarket Close Royal Mile
High Street 4
(Lower Northside)
Royal Mile
Carrubber’s Close Royal Mile
Bishop’s Close Royal Mile
North Gray’s Close Royal Mile
Morrison’s Close Royal Mile
Bailie Fyfe’s Close Royal Mile
Paisley Close Royal Mile
Chalmer’s Close Royal Mile
Monteith’s Close Royal Mile
Trunk’s Close Royal Mile
Hope’s Court Royal Mile
Baron Maule’s Close Royal Mile
The Worlds End Edinburgh
Beyond the High Street is the Edinburgh Royal Mile Canongate more shops restaurants, pubs and attractions, museums and the Canongate Kirk where the Queen goes to church when staying at the Palace of Holyrood House here main residence in Edinburgh. Abbey Strand and Horse Wynd are where the Palace of Holyrood House stands with the Scottish Parliament building in Horse Wynd and access to Arthur Seat you have walked the Royal Mile.
Canongate (Southside)
Royal Mile Edinburgh
Gullan’s Close Royal Mile
Gibb’s Close Royal Mile
Pirrie’s Close Royal Mile
Chessel’s Court Royal Mile
Weir’s Close Royal Mile
Old Playhouse Close Royal Mile
St John’s Pend Canongate Royal Mile
Sugarhouse Close Royal Mile
Bakehouse Close Royal Mile
Wilson’s Court Royal Mile
Cooper’s Close Royal Mile
Crichton’s Close Royal Mile
Bull’s Close Royal Mile
Reid’s Close Royal Mile
Vallence’s Entry Royal Mile
Canongate (Northside)
Royal Mile Edinburgh
Mid common Close Royal Mile
Sibbald Walk Royal Mile
Gladstone’s Court Royal Mile
Old Tolbooth Wynd Royal Mile
Dunbar’s Close Royal Mile
Panmure Close Royal Mile
Lochend Close Royal Mile
Reid’s Court Royal Mile
Campbell’s Close Royal Mile
Brown’s Close Royal Mile
Forsyth’s Close Royal Mile
Galloway’s Entry Royal Mile
White Horse Close Royal Mile
Abbey Strand
Royal Mile Edinburgh
Holyrood House Palace
Holyrood Abbey
Queen Mary's Bath House
Horse Wynd
Scottish Parliament
Queens Gallery
Arthur Seat
St Anthony's Chapel
St Anthony's Well
Dunsapie Loch
St Margaret's Loch
St Margaret's Well
Muchret's Cairn