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The Scores St Andrews

The Scores is the road that follows the shore path and continues to East Scores then The Pends, the Harbour and a wonderful golden sandy beach.

The Scores 
St Andrews Attractions
Band Stand

Martyrs' Monument

The Scores St Andrews Scotland

The Martyrs’ Monument was built to commemorate four men executed in St Andrews during the 16th Century Scottish Reformation

Patrick Hamilton
Patrick Hamilton was one of the first critics of the Catholic Church in Scotland to be tried and burnt at the stake, in 1528, for promoting the doctrines of Martin Luther. Patrick Hamilton was of royal blood, Patrick was related to King James V.
Henry Forest
Henry Forest was executed in 1533 Henry a Benedictine monk.
Began his sermons with the story of teacher Patrick Hamilton,
A Martyr for the truth. Archbishop Beaton had him executed for his sermons and beliefs. Not by burning at the stake, but in a cell by suffocation away from the people. 
George Wishart
George Wishart age 33, died 1 March 1546, a Scottish Protestant Reformer and one of the early Protestant martyrs burned at the stake as a heretic.
Walter Milne
Walter Milne was the last Protestant martyr to be burned in Scotland before the Scottish Reformation changed the country from Catholic to Presbyterian. He was burned at the stake for heresy outside Deans Court, St Andrews, in April 1558 at the age of 82.

Martyrs' Monument Inscription

In memory of the Martyrs' Patrick Hamilton, Henry Forrest, George Wishart and Walter Mill

Who in support of the Protestant faith suffered death by fire at Saint Andrews between the years of

 MDXXVIII (1528) and MDLVIII (1558). The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance

West Sands St Andrews

St Andrews Scotland

View from the Scores at the Martyrs' Monument

​West Beach is close to St Andrews town centre, 2 miles of golden sand beach with safe swimming a board walk and picnic area. This is also the beach that was used in the Chariots of Fire movie.

St Andrews Aquarium

St Andrews Aquarium with an outside area

for sea Lions. Inside there are many Molluscs, octopus, shell fish, Sea horses, and other creatures from the sea in tanks.

Robert Chambers House

Robert Chambers built this house
6 Gillespie Terrace (The Scores) in St Andrews in 1863 after marrying his second wife in
North Street St Andrews in 1867 and lived here till his death in 1871. Chambers was top publishing house of its time in Edinburgh. In 1844 he wrote

"Vestiges of the natural history of creation"
(A theory of Evolution) 15yrs prior to Darwin. 

St Katherine’s West

St Katherine's West is used for Admissions, and Registry to

St Andrews University. It is also a meeting point for guided tours of the University

Simple Sugars Plaque

Near this site in 1903, James Colquhoun Irvine, Thomas Purdie and their team found a way to understand the chemical structure of simple sugars like glucose and lactose. Over the next 18 year this allowed them to lay the foundations of modern carbohydrate chemistry, with implications for medicine, nutrition and biochemistry.

Wardlaw Museum

The Wardlaw Museum is part of St Andrews University with free entry to all. 

The Museum has a selection of art, history, science and natural history in their collections

Gallery 1: Scotland’s First University

Gallery 2: Enquiring Minds
3: Reformers and Innovators
4: Expanding Horizons

The Wardlaw Museum is part of St Andrews University

with free entry to all. 

Peter Pan Statue
JM Barrie creator of Peter Pan presented this sculpture to the students Hall St Andrews University when he was Rector in 1922.


The collection of Skeletons were collected in the 1800's and early 1900's
Patagonian Mara | Red Fox Skull | Tiger Skull | Coral Chunks
Alligator Skull | Oystercatcher Skeleton


James Kennedy Skull
James Kennedy was Bishop of St Andrews after Henry Wardlaw.
He was Chancellor of the University and founded

the College of St Salvator's in 1450.
It became known as Old College after St Leonard's College

was founded in 1512 and the new college of St Mary's in 1538

Popes Benedict XIII Skull
Cast of skull of Pope Benedict XIII

He was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 29 May 1724 to his death in February 1730. Born Pietro Francesco Orsini and later called Vincenzo Maria Orsini.


The University Maces
The three medieval maces, the Mace of the Faculty of Arts (completed 1418-19), the Mace of the Faculty of Canon Law (mid-15th century) and the Mace of St Salvator’s College (1461) are of outstanding workmanship. The Maces are used in University ceremonies such as Graduations.

St Andrews Castle

St Andrews Castle was first built circa 1070 the castle was erected around at the time of Malcolm III who also was behind the fortification of Edinburgh Castle. St Andrews Castle stands on a cliff overlooking the sea. It was a courtyard castle now in ruins.

The stronghold of the Bishops of St Andrews and where the murder of Cardinal David Beaton took place in 1546.

Also where George Wishart was burnt alive as a punishment for being a heretic.


Castle Ghosts

The ghost of Archbishop John Hamilton, George Wishart

Archbishop David Beaton, Archbishop James Sharp and

 ‘The White Lady’, described as being clad in white with a veil which hides her face.

George Wishart Plaque

 George Wishart age 33, died 1 March 1546, a Scottish Protestant Reformer was burned at the stake outside St Andrews Castle and was Hung on the Castle wall for all to see. One of the first Protestant Martyrs'.

His Crime of being a heretic.


GW Cobbles on Road

The GW on the road is where George Wishart was burned at the stake by Cardinal Henry Beaton, who later was assassinated by friends of Wishart 

East Scores and The Pends
St Andrews Attractions  

Church of St Mary on the Rocks


St Mary on the Rocks is the remains of a church possibly built circa 1240.

St Mary on the Rock an early medieval church,

dating to the 12th century.

Built on the site of an earlier 9th century Culdee

(Scottish monks of the 8th to 12th centuries living as a recluse usually in a group of thirteen

on the analogy of Christ and his Apostles).

The tradition ceased as the Celtic Church was brought under Roman Catholic rule.

Before 1290 St Mary on the Rock had become a collegiate church and a royal chapel.

The church was built on a headland that overlooks St Andrews bay and the harbour.

St Mary on the Rock was demolished in 1559

Today only the foundations which were uncovered in 1860 can be seen.

Defence Canon

The canon face out to see to defend the town from invaders that arrived by sea from many countries,

Spanish, English, American and French invaders.

St Andrews Harbour 
St Andrews has been mentioned in transcripts, having a fishing harbour as far back as 1222, and another record dates from 1363.

St Andrews Pier

The Pier originally built of wood was replaced in mid-1500. Confirmation the pier being of stone, records show of a great storm that damaged the ashlar on the pier in 1573. The pier was replaced in 1655. The pier and harbour walls have over the centuries be rebuilt several times due to storm damage.

East Sands St Andrews

St Andrews East Beach (Sands) can be located on the south side of the old harbour. From St Andrews Castle keep to the coast road with St Andrews Cathedral on your Right. This is a popular beach which is safe for children.

The golden sandy beach with a wide variety of water sports.

There is a car park first aid facilities and toilet facilities available.

During Peak Summer there are on duty lifeguards and Café.

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