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About Sir Walter Scott


Images of things to look for

King's Landing

Sir Walter Scott invited George IV to Edinburgh.
Stepping ashore at Leith

King's Landing Sign Leith
Walter Scott Invite to king

Duddingston Kirk where Sir Walter Scott was ordained an elder in 1806.

Duddingston Kirk

Corstorphine Tower

There is a tower dedicated to his memory on Corstorphine Hill

where he would site and look over the landscape of Edinburgh

The Council of Edinburgh also honoured him by naming The Inch district of Edinburgh,

around 30 streets after him and for characters and places from his poems and novels

corstorphine hill tower tablet
Corstorphine Tower

Kelso Grammar School where Walter Scott went to school when living with his aunt in 1783.

Walter Scott School House   Kelso.JPG
Walter Scott School House Plaque Kelso.JPG

Waverley Lodge Kelso Walter Scott's Aunt Janet's Home

Garden Cottage Walter Scott lived with his Aunt in Kelso.JPG

Sir Walter Scott's Mothers Grave

St John's Princes Street Edinburgh

Anne Rutherford  Headstone Sir Walter Scott's Mother.jpg
Walter Scott's Aunt's house kelso.JPG

Walter Scott's Grave

Dryburgh Abbey 

Sir Walter Scott and Family Burial Plot Dryburgh Abbey.jpg

Scott's View  over Eildon Hills

Scott's View Eildon Hills Melrose.jpg
Scott's View Poem The Lay of the last Minstrel

Sir Walter Scott in the Writers' Museum Lawnmarket Edinburgh

Walter Scott, Burns and Stevenson Busts Writers' Museum
Walter Scott's Poem Slabs Grassmarket.jpg
Main Entrance Hall Writers' Museum Scott Monument.jpg

Walter Scott's Poem (Marmion)

 The Battle of Flodden 1513

From Flodden ridge,

   The Scots beheld the English host

   Leave Barmoor Wood, their evening post

   And headful watched them as they crossed

   The Till by Twizell Bridge.

High sight it is, and haughty, while

   They dive into the deep defile;

   Beneath the cavern’d cliff they fall,

   Beneath the castle’s airy wall.

By rock, by oak, by Hawthorn tree,

   Troop after troop are disappearing;

   Troop after troop their banners rearing

   Upon the eastern bank you see.

Still pouring down the rocky glen,

   Where flows the sullen Till,

   And rising from the dim-wood glen,

   Standards on standards, men on men,

In slow procession still,

   And sweeping o’er the Gothic arch,

   And pressing on in ceaseless march,

   To gain the opposing hill.

  Sir Walter Scott

   1771 - 1832

Sir Walter Scott Portrait Signet Library

John Gibson Lockhart Plaque Biographer and son in law
Walter Scott's Thoughts
Walter Scott Plaque  Greyfriars Kirk.JPG
Walter Scott Portrait Signet Library
Walter Scott Plaque Tolbooth Musselburgh.JPG

Sir Walter Scott Plaque in Grayfriars Kirk

Sir Walter Scott Plaque

Tolbooth Musselburgh

John Gibson Lockhart's House

25 Northumberland Street Edinburgh

Sir Walter Scott's Thoughts on the future

John Gibson Lockhart's House

 Bellfield Street Portobello

Walter Scott's Son in laws House

Sir Walter Scott Statue Selkirk

Walter Scott Statue Selkirk
Sir Walter Scott Plaque

Walter Scott Court Room Selkirk

Scott's Court Room Selkirk.
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